
A Ministry of Health Learning Management System.

Problem Statement

The Ministry of Health of Kenya noticed a problem in the scramble to take on covid-19 and the medical community needing a reference point for best practices. The ability to make the information interactive prompted the suggestion from upper management to create a learning management system.

My Role

I was the visual designer and worked with my supervisor who acted as a liaison between myself and the client.

Objectives & Goals

  • Create a digestible way for users to refresh their knowledge.
  • Be able to tests their assumptions from one reputable source
  • Work as a source of truth across the board.
  • User Research

    After having several conversations with representatives from the Ministry of Health and gaining insight from my manager who acted as the liaison between us two, we managed to isolate who within the Ministry of Health would need this product.

    Why do we need this product?
    • Covid 19 prompted a lot misinformation, and members of the medical community needed a central source of truth.
    Who will gain the most out of this product?
    • Staff in hospitals, or trainees that are early in their careers or do not have familiarity with the basics.
    What is not working about the current system?
    • The previous website had been updated however the information was difficult to digest. This platform will be an off shoot of the main MoH website, but present the information in bite size ways for the user to refresh their knowledge
    What type of information will feature on this platform?
  • This will include relevant information to covid-19 and healthcare such as best practices to limit spread within high risk environments, to limit the spread.
  • What would make this platform the most useful?
  • - Ability to test understanding to make sure users are confirming their knowledge with the consistent source of truth
  • - A glossary with the ability to search for words that may be unfamiliar
  • - An ability to download resources
  • - Ability to be accessible online
  • User Personas

    After having several conversations with representatives from the Ministry of Health and gaining insight from my manager who acted as the liaison between us two, we managed to isolate who within the Ministry of Health would need this product.

    Persona A

    Linda Makueni


    Nurse Practitioner


    Their goal on the platform is to get a quick refresher on best practices

    Pain Point

    They don’t have the time on the go to read the text heavy documents available on the website

    Persona B

    Cyrus Okoth


    Ministry of Health Admin Worker


    Their goal is to gain access on how to keep themselves safe in the hospital while being amongst covid-19 patients

    Pain Point

    They are not medical practitioners however work in the hospitals and do not want to leave with the virus

    Persona B

    Sophie Ikuta


    Healthcare Trainee


    Their goal is to use this platform as an additional study resource.

    Pain Point

    They may have other sources of information for their training, however this will have the added feature of being testable at their own need.

    User Flows

    After having several conversations with representatives from the Ministry of Health and gaining insight from my manager who acted as the liaison between us two, we managed to isolate who within the Ministry of Health would need this product.

    Final Designs

    After having several conversations with representatives from the Ministry of Health and gaining insight from my manager who acted as the liaison between us two, we managed to isolate who within the Ministry of Health would need this product.


    1. Register an account on the platform

    2. For security reasons we will use 2 factor for account verification.

    3. Once the account has been verified the user is redirected to sign in.


    This view represents what a user might potentially see once they have been on the platform for some time after accumulating a few favourite courses, but includes a catalogue of courses that they have access to at every stage of their membership.

    Course Details


    Below is the course overview where one can see the curriciulum as links and can go directly to those sections.

    Chapter One

    The content will be broken down in to digestible bites, and progress through the chapter can be tracked via the progress bar below.

    Quiz Section

    Correct assertion

    Incorrect assertion

    Download Course Files

    Glossary Page

    Final Thoughts

    Presenting the prototype to stakeholders on the project proved to be successful and was met with enthusiasm to upgrade the learning management system to include more subjects Unfortunately, we were not able to progress with this project, however it did allow us to start building an important feature which was then used in production.